Saturday, November 27, 2010

What It Means to Be An Expert

Today I was an "adjudicator" (judge) for a debate competition at KKU.  I am of course qualified for such a position because I have never seen a debate before, do not know anything about debating, and am taller than many Thai people.  For two of the three rounds I judged, I was the lone adjudicator.  At the end of each round, I had to give a speech, a comment on the performance of the debaters, and pointers about how to improve their podium game.  Now, being an English teacher in a foreign country has developed in me a taste for many things, one of which is giving speeches on topics about which I know nothing and have no desire to study.  Most of the time, mind you, I'm giving speeches on things I do know a little about.  But whenever I can slip in a bit of fact-ish improv about something no one else knows I don't know, I do.  Now, don't get me wrong.  There's no malicious intent here.  I strive for integrity in my bullshit.  And today, I left no stop unpulled-out.  I was throwing around words like "Motion definition" and "Deputy retort" while contemplatively pacing back and forth with my hands clasped behind my back.  At times, I fooled even myself.  And that, that, I think, as my main point, is what it means to be an expert.

More on the topic of Expertise later.